• Our Showrooms - location & hours

    SINSA Showroom

    서울 강남구 신사동 524-1 B1 소일베이커

    B1, Sinsadong 524-1 Gangnam-gu, Seoul

    Mon - Fri 10am - 6pm | Sat & Sun 12pm - 6pm

    Tel. 02-537-0808

    JEONGDONG-GIL Showroom

    서울 중구 정동길 33 신아기념관 2층 202호

    2F, Jeongdong-gil 33, Jung-gu, Seoul

    Tue - Sat 12pm - 6pm (Closed on Sun & Mon)

    Tel. 02-4245-0808



    흙을 굽는 사람이라는 의미를 가진 소일베이커는 세라믹 디자이너, 쉐프, 그리고 스타일리스트가 함께 만나

    그릇에 관한 다양한 해석을 보여주는 테이블웨어 브랜드입니다. 

    우리는 쓰임과 담음새를 생각하여 그릇을 디자인하며, 무엇보다 오래 사용하여도 변함이 없는 품질을 가장 중요하게 생각합니다. 

    자체 디자인을 통해 국내외 유명 레스토랑  카페와의 협업은 물론,

    20 경험을 가진 도자기 공장을 직접 가지고 하나하나 꼼꼼히 빚어낸 그릇들은 합리적인 가격으로 많은 사랑을 받고 있습니다.

    소일베이커는 좋은 식재료와 레시피, 플레이팅을 통해 우리의   식사에 더욱 즐거운 경험을 선사합니다.

    Soil Baker, literally meaning the person who bakes the soil,

    is a tableware brand that demonstrates various understanding of 'bowl' with ceramic designers, chefs, and stylists.

    We design ceramics with consideration for practicability and containment, and above all,

    the quality that remains the same even after long period of use.

    With our own design at a reasonable price, collaboration with famous restaurants and cafes at home and abroad,

    also ceramics carefully crafted one by one with a 20-year-old pottery factory, Soilbaker’s products are widely loved. 

    Soil Baker strives to bring a more enjoyable experience to your meals with good ingredients, recipes and plating.

게시판 목록